For 25yrs, I have had so many great and weird things happen. I often say I will draft a book until then the blog will do. I always want to help people and allow them to know, you are not alone.
I drift away sometimes to think what my life would look like had I ever created. I have several godchildren, even two grands, and must highlight them all one day. When I think about the grace and purpose, that Kayla, My K-Baby, comes to mind. Lord, she definitely gave me experiences my biological would have given 😊 Our relationship is unique. God has afforded us many moments of every emotion. Maya Angelou, said it best “Would take nothing for my journey now.” As I share a few things with you about us, it is the nuggets that are most important of course. I must tell you the greatest thing we do is communicate no matter how honest and/or hurtful. From day one until now we have proven honest communication is best.
When this pretty-bright eyed little princess walked into my office with the cutest smile and best hug ever, asked me to be her “Nana,” I was like WHAT? I am not old! I went across the hall and told her mom. Lady Margaret asked her “Kayla, did you ask Ms. Monica to be your Nana?” She answered, “YES!” Lady Margaret explained that her daughter, Shelby, was given a Nana and they did not assign one to Kayla. I said...SURE and we are still rocking! We rock tough in truth and intentionality. I have to pinch myself sometimes and say “Monica, she is not your blood” yet we think and sometimes react the same on so much.
These days it is the fightback that I enjoy most. She is her mother’s child and has strong values, truths, and opinions. I love it. Her mother taught the Lord to her from Day 1 and when I say she knows who to call on no matter what, God is answering. Several things happened in the last 10yrs for the both of us. I am grateful that she knew God would always answer her call, soothe her doubts, and calm her fears. This is why managing life with grace and purpose is vital. Kayla is teaching me more now than ever; I do not take that lightly. While she is quick to remind me of my words, she gracefully puts them into action to make me see sometimes without uttering them.
My K-Baby is swift and smart! God has blessed her to be a wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, cousin, and friend. Her daily encounters allow her to be poised, comical, Godly, and present. What is our secret, pay attention, here it is………
As a Nana/Goddaughter Combo we have experienced so many things together, we should draft a book, I will keep saying it until published. When she was younger one of her requests was to have a friendship with a person similar to that of my BFF and me. I recall on several occasions saying to her; you are blessed and have that, so I am grateful. The other day I was just thinking and immediately thought we could bless others in so many ways through prayer and words of encouragement. I must leave you all with a few tidbits because I harp on her regarding responses and what that should always look like. Kayla was asked about my demeanor and her immediate answer was “Prayer, Nana prays.” Because this is vital in all relationships, take this with you. She and I can handle the heat. I enjoy teaching others how to do so as well. She may say she is not a people person yet catching her with the right question she will help you thoroughly. There will always be panic, illness, fears, injustice, isolation, division, and whatever your unrest looks like. Know that the Father is always present. Forgive me for the improper language yet ~ what we not go do is quit or give in. We not go lose hope or allow discouragement to rob us of joy, peace, and willingness to serve. We not go take our eyes off our Father. We not go stop expecting good or watching for deliverance. We really not go stop declaring over ourselves or others that we are not alone in this. Thanks for holding on while reading that because I had to say it as I felt it, 😊.
No matter the circumstance or disappointment God sees us! Therefore, He knows you. He is for you! He is with you. He is working it out for you. He is redeeming your pain and restoring your losses. He is always fighting for you. He is mending your heartbreaks. He is directing your steps. His love for you is beyond anything you can imagine…Everything is fine! God sees you and cares about all you are going through. He is at work, Keep managing life with God, Grace, and Purpose!